Dear Wildfire community,
it is time to officially present you SNEP (polish: Stowarzyszenie Niezależnych Ekspertów Pożarnictwa), which means: Association of Independent Fire Experts. The Association operates in Poland in the spirit of international cooperation and exchange to promote integrated fire (and forest!) management.
The Independent Experts Group was established to facilitate the implementation of ideas and projects that sometimes need independence and flexibility to progress. The establishment of SNEP were inspired by, for example, the activities of the WKR project at the European Forest Institute EFI, the German groups such as Waldbrandteam (WKR project partner). SNEP just getting started - but they have already passed the conference where international actors of the fire community and network participated .
A young association that wants to gain recognition on the European "fire-market", therefore today they invite everyone willing to cooperate in the future!
We will soon announce the upcoming event that is a joint effort between EFI and SNEP. More details at: